March 15th - St. Patrick’s Day Parade March 19th - Social Meeting
The next event isn't a fundraiser, it's a FUN-RAISER. Join your fellow OSDIA members on a float in the St. Patrick's
Day Parade on Saturday, March 15th. Everyone will gather at the lodge at 7 to 7:30 in the morning. The lodge
will provide snacks, treats, coffee and other beverages. From the lodge everyone will car pool downtown. In the
past, we've had parking in Lot A at Coors Field. The parade starts at 9:30 and typically lasts 45 minutes. What a
great way to spend a Saturday morning.
April 12th – SOI Spaghetti dinner
I do hope you can join us at our Spaghetti Dinner!
Only $12 gets you a big plate of Spaghetti, Meatball, Sausage, Salad, Bread, Dessert as well as a glass of wine or a soft drink.
Proceeds benefit TBD.
If you would like to volunteer for this event or any Lodge Events, please see Sal Siraguse or Susan Giamarvo.
Get Involved One of the benefits we enjoy as members is the ability to participate in the many activities the lodge hosts throughout the year. This year will continue to provide fun things to do such as Bocce, spaghetti dinners, Anniversary and Christmas parties, plus much more. Right now, the lodge can use your help with the following activities and committees:
Spaghetti Dinner – Saturday, February 22, 2025 12:00 noon to 5:00 p.m. Help in the kitchen, set up, serve members (2 shifts – noon to 2:30 and 2:30 to 5:00 p.m.), clean up following the dinner.
OSDIA’s 67th Anniversary Party – May 17, 2025 Help determine caterer, decorations, music, and other details.
Italian Heritage Month - October Work with other Italian American organizations to determine activities to highlight our rich Italian culture.
While these Anniversary Party and Italian Heritage Month seem months away, planning needs to take place now. Please text the Events Coordinator Susan Giamarvo at 720-484-1014 or email her at to get involved.
No experience needed! Every Sunday afternoon 2 to 5:30 doors open at 1:30
We are proud to offer the finest Ballroom, Latin & Swing experience in Colorado
Great DJ Music by BRENT PAXTON
$12 (cash or check payable to Sundancer Cruises)
Optional: $20 Admission with 3 drink tickets for wine or beer
(Can be used at any Mile High Social Dance-non-refundable)
Complimentary Water, Soda, Coffee & Snacks-PLUS Raffle Drawings
The second and fourth Fridays of the month
at the Denver Lodge